6° of Aberration

Looking for my alter ego...I'm sure I left it someplace around here...

Location: California, United States

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Bookworms and Blogs

[Warning: Contains hints for the solution to Monday's brain teaser. So if you haven't tried solving it yet, check it out before continuing.]


Ever discover a new favorite blog (this one, perhaps?) and get the feeling that the conversational thread is confusing because you missed some of the earlier postings?

It is the organizational nature of blogs to post in "reverse chronological order" with the most recent entries at the top, the assumption being that that makes it most convenient for readers wanting immediate access to current content.

But imagine a 9 paragraph conversational thread that unfolds as equal size postings over a period of 3 days. Rather than traverse the thread in one direction, reading paragraphs 1 through 9 in sequence as you would a book or journal, you are confronted with the following odd paragraph ordering:

Today: 7 8 9   Yesterday: 4 5 6   Two days ago: 1 2 3
There are instances where this organization can be especially frustrating. I recently reviewed several thousand pages of attorney-client correspondence arranged in reverse chronological order. I couldn't just review the documents from back-to-front, because most of the documents were multi-paged and that created a tiresome back-and-forth game of hide-and-seek. But reading the documents as they were arranged was equally bothersome as I frequently read the resolution to an unfamiliar dispute or the conclusion to a negotiation point that I had not yet encountered.

Nevertheless, even with the convenience of hyperlinks and bookmarks, the non-linear blog method of organization with current material effectively stacked on top of older material is here to stay. Presumably this satisfies the majority.


If you're still waiting for hints to the solution to Monday's puzzle, note the most common mistakes:

The answer is not 15" as is often guessed by those who correctly determine that each volume is 1.25" thick and then multiply that thickness by 12. (Nor is it 12" as miscalculated by those who forget to add both covers to each volume for an incorrect measurement of 1" per volume.)

Many careful individuals therefore conclude that the correct answer is 14.5" assuming the bookworm chews her way through all but the two outside covers. But that answer is also wrong. So if you made any of the preceding guesses, go back and try again and I'll give the solution tomorrow.


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